Thursday, September 17, 2009

Diagnostic Essay

Picture from here
Phillip Sanders
ENG 111 – 63
Diagnostic Essay: Option 2
August 26, 2009

Have you ever felt deep regret from the moment you stepped foot onto a new job? I have,
and until this day it still ranks as the worst job I’ve ever had. Dealing with the work environment was a job in itself; from the filthy, dusty, warehouse floors, to the strong smell of
the chocolate powder which filled hundreds of bins. On top of that not only was the work tedious,
but the work was constant with very limited breaks. Money had to be made so I was prepared
to deal with those minor issues, but the management was extremely rude, and overly
demanding. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t expect to get paid for nothing; I’m a hard worker to a
reasonable extent, but this job seemed as though it was destined to be my worst job experience

When I heard I would be working in a chocolate factory it never occurred to me that the
strong smell of raw chocolate would bleed through every wall in the building. Bin after bin of the
powdered chocolate was all over the building so there was no escaping it. While being
transferred, chocolate would often fall all over the floor leaving trails in every hall; which I had to
clean up sometimes by the way. Worst of all, when I cleaned the ovens I noticed chunks of
chocolate build up from lack of cleaning. You can imagine what that must have looked like. All in
all I’d say the factory’s lack of cleanliness played a vital role in my opinion towards the job.

Working this job could’ve nearly been a good representation of slavery. My tasks were a
pure nightmare. For example: I was instructed to package bags of chocolate candy a specific way
as they were dispensed from a machine. This machine was dispensing the candy so fast that by
the time I was finished taping a box, candy was piled up the size of a mountain when I turned
back around. The funny thing is that this was the easy task; so you can imagine why this job as
no fun at all. Day after day I was instructed to do things more and more insane; pushing me to
hate the job more each day.

Despite all of the negatives, I could’ve hung around had management not been so
obnoxious. They were constantly complaining, breathing down my neck, and rushing me.
Though they knew how physically demanding the job was, they still always expected more
production. I was told to do janitorial work outside of my job description whenever they decided
to pick on me. The most frustrating thing was that no matter how hard I worked, my reaks were always cut short. Eventually I realized a jerk is going to be a jerk; and accepted the
fact that I would never win that battle.

All in all this was an unforgettably dreadful work experience. Work conditions were
unbearable; assignments were unnecessarily painful, and the management was as bad as it gets.
When told by a manager to wash trays, I was approached by the owner with, “you need to be
doing more than washing fucking trays all day!” As you can imagine, I carelessly lost it at that
point. With all I had been through, my mind was already set on the fact that this was worst job ever.


  1. I hope chocolate isn't a metaphor for "essay." Oh wait, this isn't the reflection.

    Management is usually the worst part about bad jobs. I don't know what's worse, coworkers that are hard to relate to or management that is overly demanding. Hopefully college will get you past the point where you'll have to worry about such things.

    Also, whatever job you're at, make sure they're following proper safety standards and providing the correct equipment to make it safe for you:

  2. The whole chocolate being a metaphor for essay comment blew right over my head sorry lol I believe you were taking a shot at me. If so thats funny if not i'm lost. I hope college does get me past that point though, I don't ever want to experience this again!

  3. No shots taken at you. I was joking about you taking a shot at me. There were some other students who did and I would have preferred the ambiguity of metaphors because those few other students weren't constructive, but destructive. I must've been more on top of things for the night classes though since none of the comments were quite as harsh, or it might be that night students are generally more mature.

    I'm not sure formal schooling can train one in the use of jokes like that. Once you know the word "metaphor" it doesn't take much more than to use it to make it an effective tool. Joking with it is more of a friends, family, and neighborhood training sort of thing. I spent about seven years off and on working in a comic book store and if you've seen The Simpsons, you know some crazy joking can go on in those stores.

  4. Ok well that's what i thought I just wanted to be sure. I know I may have seemed a bit harsh in mine as well, but like I said I had to make the word count and I didnt want to only dwell on the good things and appear to be a "Butt Kisser" trying to get an A. As far as working in the comic book store goes, that explains you're interesting sense of humor. Half of your in class jokes went right over my head as well. I didn't know if it was just me who was not up to date on current events, or if it were you who was just a lot deeper into things then the rest of us. lol

  5. "Butt kissing" is not an issue. You can ask any of the non-butt kissing reflection students if they got an A or not and most will tell you yes.

    I cannot tell if I'm more into current events or if it's the depth in which I understand things.
